• bloop

    Masturbation Assassination

The Evil Creator

Posted by Beer Edge On 11:51 PM 5 коментара

Ok i started my first game project, it's called "EVIL EMERGE" - a mystic shadow world, frozen in time. I'll post more of the story and details about the game-play in future.


5 Response for the "The Evil Creator"

  1. hristov says:

    The new leader !

  2. Anonymous says:

    Chernio Chestit blog! Da publikuwash mnogo statii i samo napred!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is that true you like to fark often? Nice blog - well done!!!

  4. Beer Edge says:

    by "fark" you mean fart i suppose haha

  5. Anonymous says:

    Пешооо, гъз си майна!