I Hate Mondays started 2007 as a underground online radio. Broadcasting 24/7 /hardcore, punk, ska, metal, hip hop, rock/ music that you cant listen on some ordinary radio station. So give it a try and check out the radio's web site.
Masturbation Assassination
No Mutants Allowed its one of the oldest fan site about the post nuclear world of "Fallout" /"must play game" for all the RPG fans/.The site is updated often and there is all sort of information about the future release of "Fallout 3". Check it out and you will find out that you don't know everything about "Fallout".
Check out these 2 guys /5'Nizza - meaning “Friday”/ from Russia and Ukraine. Acoustic group formed in 2000. They play a combination of reggae, rock and hip hop. Their music is all about vocals, acoustic guitar and beat boxing. Making unique and funky songs, that i found recently and they got my ear and attention. Some of the songs remind me of the unique soundtrack from the game called "The Neverhood".